Since receiving his degree in business administration and subsequent doctorate, during his further education in accountancy and beyond, our founder Dr. Bartels has remained true to his own principle: In business, it’s not just about knowing what, but also about knowing how.

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This ambition – understanding and optimizing work procedures, leadership cultures and processes – found its expression among other things in attendance at leadership programs at Harvard Business School and the University of Oxford. It remained a constant leitmotiv throughout all of his professional stages.

As an auditor and tax consultant, business manager, CFO, partner and most recently Global Head of M&A at Grant Thornton International Ltd., London/UK, the more extensive his experience became, the more natural seemed the decision in 2020 to start Dr. Bartels M&A Consulting with equally experienced partners and ambitious new talents.

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Thanks to our modest size and the confidence that can come only from real knowledge and ability, nothing stands in the way of our full focus on the individual needs of our clients. With great respect for the doers and thinkers in medium-size companies, our entire team works on the professional execution of all the transactions that keep companies going and growing. We hope to do so for you as well!

Get in touch with us for an initial conversation!

Dr. Kai Bartels

Managing Partner

T. +49 40 59 362 11 11
@ kb[at]

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